The Littlest

Pet Shop

Snakes, dogs and even a parrot or two! It must be the one and only littlest pet shop!

The Brief

Our client wanted a jam-packed Summer holiday family campaign and a new-to-market event that had never been done before.


The Magic

We took over and designed an empty unit, curated a 4-week Summer school programme with around 50 stuffed toy cats, snakes, puppies and parrots at the heart of it. Kids were transformed into mini vets to work in the world’s littlest pet shop.

The Wins

Every ticket was snapped up in 2 days, our kids veterinarian crew recruited over 1,500 Littlest Pet Shop helpers over one week who all cared for all our pretend pets and had the best time ever!

Looking for something daringly different this year? Come see us, we’re full of ideas!